To inspire and inform the citizens of Arizona to build a stronger community.
Our Purpose?
We seek to provide a platform where thoughtful and independent voices can report and also express insights regarding current events, local trends and issues important to all Arizona citizens.
Our Perspective?
Arizona's first 100 years as a state were largely defined by industrial and metro growth, the Founders of The Arizona Citizen share a belief that the Next 100 years in Arizona will be defined by an emerging culture that blends rural and urban traditions that are shaped largely by the digital content and social networks that are connected by the Citizen's of Arizona.
Our Intention
The Arizona Citizen seeks to become a platform for honest dialog about important topics to the citizens
of Arizona. Our purpose is to curate and provide objective news, reporting and insights while also
providing a forum for educated opinion of the state's Citizens. We seek to provide a collective voice
that is authentic and relevant to Arizona. You can connect to national and regional news sources
through our site, but the focus is on providing authentic and relevant news that is local, social and
organic to our state.